we are the jewish tapestry project

supporting the preservation of Jewish culture and history in the former Soviet Union

We are proud to be the American partner of The Together Plan, UK registered non-profit. Click here to read more about our partnership.

The Jewish Tapestry Project’s goal is to help communities in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to self-develop, focusing initially on Belarus. It is a true revival, a Jewish renaissance and a new and fresh approach to people-led community growth, where members of the communities take the lead.

The Jewish Tapestry Project draws its inspiration for projects around three central pillars – ‘past’, ‘present’ and ‘future’ and each project drives a central belief which can be distilled into one line …

Jewish people, wherever they are, are not alone.

The Jewish Tapestry Project is working to advance UNDP sustainable Development Goals 4 and 16

  • Goal 4 – promoting education around Belarus’s Jewish history, heritage, culture and the Holocaust.
  • Goal 16 – promoting peace, justice and the development of strong institutions, through the building of a Jewish Cultural Heritage Trail in Belarus as part of the European Route of Jewish Heritage under the Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes Programme, in association with the AEPJ.